Sadly, this type of positive influence seems to be the exception rather than the rule in American society. Americans are literally overwhelmed by newscasters telling the next tragic story, politicians ruthlessly ridiculing their opponents, wars and fighting in over half the world, Hollywood's psychological war against positive values, and negative forecast after forecast for the economy. On a more personal level there's the manipulative salesman at the door, a domineering boss, heavy workloads, selfish uncaring friends, whining complaining family members, depression, and pessimism. At times, the whole world seems as if it is pulling itself and you down into a pit of pessimism, anger, and sadness. Sometimes I watch the news and afterwards the world seems more sad, brutal, and hopeless then it was before. Is this really how the world is? What do you think? How do you view the world? Do you have hope for the future? Or does the future seem scary, dark, uncertain?
My answer to this question is that despite all the nay-sayers, the pessimists, the cravens, the nags, the depressed, and the uncertain, the world is a wonderful place to live and the future is filled with hope. I'm not saying that there is not going to be any hardships or suffering in the future. What I am saying is that despite hardships and suffering we can still make the most of our lives and be happy. This is true no matter what others may say. The pessimists love company in the little pits they dig for themselves. Let us not join them but rise above them and maybe even help lift them as well.
However, what is the key to being positive?
It is our perception.
It is literally as simple as "Is the cup half empty or half full?"
Therefore, my purpose for this blog is to remind myself and maybe others that the cup is half full. I will collect articles, stories, and quotes about the positive world we live in as well as write my own thoughts and feelings. Someday, this blog may be a reservoir of hope and comfort to fill the soul and lift eyes higher. At the very least, it may be a reminder to smile and maybe make someone's day a little brighter.